Text Your Ex
is More than a
Co-Parenting App

You Get a Human Every Time!
Not Just An App!
We Negotiate For You!!!
Go through a 3rd Party, no direct communication with your Ex.
Professional & Personalized Co-Parenting Support
We help clarify your goals for your kids and communicate them in a way you get results without a fight.
We Make Sure All Communication is Polite & Productive
We don’t just scan for obscenities, we translate messages into universal and POLITE language.
Co-Parenting Apps are great for coordinating schedules (Get One!) but they don’t help you when stress is high and problems need to be solved. Text Your Ex is more than an app. We help clarify your goals and communicate what you want for your kids in Clear, Concise and POLITE messages.
You get professional help and don’t have to worry about what you say. Likewise, you never get a rude or ‘Whatever!’ message from your Ex. We make sure talking about your kids only helps your relationship at this difficult time and doesn’t make it worse. We keep you focused on your kids and help direct the conversation away from past wrongs toward what’s best for your children’s future.
Text Your Ex is
More than a Co-Parenting App
You Get a Human Every Time!

Co-Parenting Apps are great for coordinating schedules (Get One!) but they don’t help you when stress is high and problems need to be solved. Text Your Ex is more than an app. We help clarify your goals and communicate what you want for your kids in Clear, Concise and POLITE messages.
You get professional help and don’t have to worry about what you say. Likewise, you never get a rude or ‘Whatever!’ message from your Ex. We make sure talking about your kids only helps your relationship at this difficult time and doesn’t make it worse. We keep you focused on your kids and help direct the conversation away from past wrongs toward the new life you are trying to build.

Text Your Ex Gives You Professional & Personalized Co-Parenting Services
Co-Parenting Apps can be great for coordinating schedules and tracking payments but what happens when you don’t agree about schedules and expenses? You are still left speaking directly to your Ex with the same problems communicating that you’ve always had.
And while co-parenting apps help you make notes, what you really need is a better way to resolve problems – not just a better way to prepare for court.
We don’t just scan your messages for bad language but we help identify your goals for your kids and translate messages from your Ex into neutral, universal language so you are guaranteed clear, concise, and polite communication.
Instead of being in a group text, our professionals communicate privately with you and on your behalf so you don’t have to deal with the stress of talking directly to your Ex during highly emotional times.

Get A Human Every Time

Leave Emotions & Conflict Behind

Every Message Exchanged Between You & Your Ex is Clear, Concise & POLITE
When you’re frustrated and angry because you just can’t reach an agreement about the kids, emotions will be high – that’s okay! That is why we are here! We understand how quickly a normal conversation over something small can turn into a big fight fast.
With Text Your Ex you don’t have to worry about how to make your best argument. While we don’t advocate for any one party, we listen to what you want and work with you to translate your thoughts. You can tell us what you want to say and we’ll do the rest!
Every message that goes through Text Your Ex is seen by a trained mediator. You know that your message will be clearly understood by the other party. You know that the message you receive from your Ex will not be confusing because of vague details or language that may have multiple meanings. We ask for the clarification so you don’t have to.

You Talk to a 3rd Party -
Not Directly with Your Ex
It’s always easier to talk to a 3rd Party about your problems than directly to the source of your problems. By talking to a neutral mediator, you can get rid of the emotions tied up in your romantic relationship and focus solely on your kids. We help you brainstorm solutions so you get the best outcome possible.
Messages between you and Text Your Ex are not seen by the other party (or their attorney) so you don’t have to worry about every little thing you say. We provide the same service for your Ex, which means that you never get a rude, sarcastic or angry response. We allow you to have a reasonable and rational discussion about the kids without dreading a huge fight.
We help create boundaries between you and your Ex so that comments not directly related to your kids do not get passed on to either party. You end up having a discussion with a neutral go-between to help you solve your problems and make life easier.

Have a Neutral Way to Communicate
Get Personalized, Human Help
with Your Ex Every Time!
Make things Better for you & your Kids!
It’s always easier to talk to a 3rd Party about your problems than directly to the source of your problems!
Let Text Your Ex!

Use your Energy to Parent,
not Fight with your Co-Parent.
Don't let your Ex ruin your mood for hours or days!
Don't get stuck in the same relationship as before your divorce!