Resources, Hints & Tips for all things Co-Parenting

Text Your Ex offers services to make life easier post-separation.  We make it possible to communicate with your Ex in a clear, concise, and polite manner so that you can make the best decisions possible for your kids without conflict.
Getting through divorce and separation requires more than one service.  You must put in a tremendous amount of personal work and you need a lot of external support.  We would like to make your journey to your new life as easy as possible so we have gathered all of the resources you could need whether you are just separating, in the middle of your divorce, or already have a final custody order.  We offer free and personalized recommendations!

The difference between a stress and a trauma is finding a helping hand.

If there's anything you can't easily find - let us know!


Find supporting services and resources for any stage of your separation.


Find hints & tips for any issue you encounter with your Ex , your kids or your new journey.


Sample parenting plans for all age ranges and circumstances.


Books for adults and kids to help you through the transition of separation.

main flying pig making life better

Whether you’re just getting started in the process of separation and divorce or everything has been finalized, it’s never too early (or too late) to find professionals and services that will make you happier and your life easier.  

 Whatever your co-parenting problem – you are not alone!!!  You are almost guaranteed to find someone else who has dealt with an Ex like yours.  It helps to hear about how others have conquered their situation (as well as get groundbreaking advice from Text Your Ex) so that you have an easier journey forward.

female flying away in hot air pig balloon looking for ways to have a more successful coparenting relationship
say what you want don't complain about not having it, become an expert negotiator with your Ex
Your New Life is Waiting

It’s Better to Ask for What You Want than to Complain About Not Having It.

So many times even when we make an effort to get along with an Ex, we can’t break our patterns of communication. We say things and hear things the way we always have. One way to begin better communication is to think about what we want and be direct in saying it. If we can be confident in our request, we create new space to negotiate and come to a mutual resolution where both parties can start to think about things in a more neutral and objective way.

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Don't let the stress of your separation and divorce take a physical toll on your body
Co-Parenting Stress Solved

The Stress of Your Co-Parenting Relationship is Killing You! Literally!

Stress takes a significant physical toll on your body. It drains you mentally and physically leaving you less than 100% for your kids, who are also stressed! Stress can be a vicious cycle but it’s a cycle that must be broken because chronic stress can be dangerous. Find a way to shed unhealthy stress – there are LOTS of resources available!

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How to go from 'X' to 'Ex'
Co-Parenting Stress Solved

How to Go From ‘X’ to ‘Ex’

You may have a secret wish to never see your Ex again, but you know that’s not what is good for your kids. Learning how to detach yourself and keep your Ex from driving you crazy will go a long way in making everyone’s life better. Here are some tips to help you transition from wanting your Ex to be gone, to thinking of your co-parent as someone who cares about, and wants the best for your kids.

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How to make peace when your ex is a constant warrior
Conflict - Free & Loving It!

How to Make Peace When Your Ex is a Constant Warrior

Sometimes it can seem as if every interaction with your Ex ends up in a fight. If they used to be a reasonable person, then it may just be the result of the stress and uncertainty of your divorce. Things are difficult for everyone, try to be patient and follow these 3 tips to make things better now and in the years ahead.

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Break the Cycle of Stress with your Co-Parent
Co-Parenting Stress Solved

Break the Cycle of Stress with Your Co-Parent

Stress creates MORE STRESS and makes everything harder, at a time when you are zapped of emotional and physical strength. The way you are communicating with your co-parent may have your trapped in a cycle of stress. Learn how to stop this cycle and take control of your life! Make co-parenting easy and stress-free!

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Want to see what all of the options are for you and your kids?  Parenting Plans are available by age range with developmental milestones and action plans for your kids.  Want to personalize a plan so you have a solid idea to present to your attorney, mediator or Ex?  Sign up for a Brainstorming Session!

Here are some fantastic co-parenting resources for helping you transition into a new life with guidance on how to deal with everything that surrounds divorce and separation.   These books and podcasts are especially valuable for how to protect your children during this tumultuous time and how to make a quicker, easier, and smoother transition to your new life.

For All of these Resources Personalized to YOU - Contact Text Your Ex!

The Services You Need to
co-parent stress-free

More Than an App

We don't just scan for 'appropriate' language but we let you say what you want and then work with you to communicate your goals. We provide interactive services for every message sent between you and your Ex.

Universal & Neutral Messages

Mediators make sure that each and every message is easily understood. We help clarify details and prevent misunderstandings. We make sure anyone would understand exactly what each person is saying.

Support for Issues Big & Small

Whether you dread any contact with your Ex or know that a certain topic is going to start a big fight - we can help. Instead of thinking about what your Ex said over and over again, contact us and we can help resolve things right away. We give you the peace of mind that any communication with your Ex will be calm and polite.

Real-Time Response

Your message goes out within 1 hour. Co-parents who are actively engaged get immediate translation in real-time without delay. Never wait for your attorney to return your call - you get professional services immediately!

Less Anger & Stress

It's always easier to talk to a 3rd Party about your problems than to the source of our problems. We help tamp down emotions and break the old patterns of communication. You and your Ex can listen to options with a more neutral ear and objective perspective.

Protect Your Kids from Conflict

Kids feel your pain; they know when their parents are mad or sad and it causes them stress. The more you can avoid conflict with your Ex, the easier it will be to work with your co-parent and life gets better for you AND your kids. We help you transition to your new role as Co-Parents conflict-free.

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Looking for Something You Can't Find?

Is there a question you have that’s not answered?  A resource you would like that is not here?  Let us know what else we can provide for you.


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After you contact us via text or email, we'll have your message sent to your ex and send you confirmation!

co-parent in a new way before, during and after separation or divorce

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find a divorce mediator with text your ex

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